Schmaling Endowment Fund

Infographic and hyperlinked Image with the words Make a Donation to the Schmaling Memorial Public Library Endowment: Give a gift that truly keeps on giving Hyperlink goes to Quad Cities Community Foundation donation panel for the Schmaling Memorial Public Library Endowment Fund

The Schmaling Memorial Public Library Endowment is an endowment fund housed with the Quad Cities Community Foundation. The library receives a yearly grant from this endowment that helps the library fund projects and pay for various needs.

In the past 10 years, endowment funds have been used for the following :

  • Circulating materials (books, audiobooks, DVDs, etc)
  • Microfilm scanner
  • Elevator upgrades
  • Window refinishing
  • Improvements to the Children’s Room
  • Technology
  • And more!

By making a donation to the Schmaling Memorial Public Library Endowment, you gift a gift that truly keeps on giving to the library year after year. And now, you can give online through the Quad City Community Foundation’s secure giving portal. Click on the image above or visit the link below:


Today’s online resource of the day is Biblioboard! This is a FREE ebook and other digital resource project that allows unlimited simultaneous access to anyone who is physically in the state of Illinois! NO LIBRARY CARD REQUIRED. There are currently 3 “libraries” you can use, Arcadia Publishing and The History Press, Indie Illinois (independently published Illinois authors, and RAILS Community Collections. Check it out:

Watt The . . . Watt Is That?

Oh, just a handy, portable, money-saving KILL-A-WATT Meter from Jo-Carroll Energy.
Schmaling has 4 of these nifty gadgets available to loan to our patrons for a standard 2-week check-out: FREE of charge.
These guys can help you determine the cost-effectiveness of your current appliances, assess the need to unplug a space heater, detect a phantom load, or determine the amount of savings possible by switching from an old appliance to a new one.