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YA (Young Adult)

Located upstairs in the northeast corner, the Young Adult section receives our continued focus in increasing its collection of engaging and relevant books for teens and young adults.  Rhea Kraft, our YA librarian, labors to provide selections of both current acclaim and timeless worth.

We post new additions frequently on this website, but you can also keep up to date by following us on  Facebook.  Periodically, we attempt to have a teen event, or activity, which we will also post here and on Facebook.

Spread the word to friends to follow us on Facebook or to come in and check out all the resources we offer; we have more than just books: there are YA audiobooks, movies, graphic novels, and non-fiction resources.  Remember, all currently enrolled River Bend School District students get a FREE card now, no matter where you live!

For more resources, information, recommended reading, book lists, or just any posts concerning YA and teens: just select “TEEN STUFF”, or “NEW ADDITIONS — YOUNG ADULTunder CATEGORIES (to your right), or click on any of the following links.

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