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Computer and Internet Use Policy/Agreement

Wired and Wireless Internet Usage Policy/Agreement

Schmaling Memorial Public Library District

Fulton, IL

The Internet offers information that can be personally, professionally, and culturally enriching. Resources contained within the global electronic network cover a wide variety of material and diverse viewpoints, which may or may not be accurate, current, or reliable. Schmaling Memorial Public Library District encourages all patrons to be informed users and carefully evaluate any information obtained via the Internet. Please remember:

  • The library cannot guarantee the privacy of personal information submitted online. For your protection, please log-off after each session. One individual may use one computer at a time.
  • Patrons are limited to one hour access per day. Internet sessions are 30 minutes in length, based on demand.
  • Patrons may exceed the time limit, under extenuating circumstances, such as applications, reports, testing, etc. Please alert staff if you will require additional time.
  • Internet users must abide by copyright laws and shall not make unauthorized copies of software found on any library computers, or make or download unauthorized copies of information from the Internet. Legal downloading to a personal storage device is permitted but not guaranteed.
  • Printing is permitted at cost. See staff for details.
  • Internet usage privileges are available to Schmaling Memorial Public Library District patrons and reciprocal patrons of the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS). Patrons residing outside of the RAILS system are eligible for a one-time Temporary Visitor’s Pass. Photo ID required.

Schmaling Memorial Public Library District is not responsible for damages, indirect or direct, arising from patrons’ reliance, citation, or other utilization of Internet connections or resources.

Access and Use of Library Internet Connections and Networks

Schmaling Memorial Public Library District reserves the right to monitor patron use of the Internet, to reasonably ensure compliance with the library’s Internet Usage Policy and Agreement. The Library reserves the right to classify any action, access, or operation on computers as inappropriate or unacceptable, such as:

  • Child pornography- it is illegal to view, print, distribute, display, send, or receive messages, or graphics of materials that violate laws relating to child pornography.
  • Information which is considered pornographic, violent or obscene. Exceptions are appropriate only when images possess education, artistic, literary, scientific, or political merit.
  • Information which results in the harassment of others.
  • Information which in any way violates State or Federal law.
  • Unauthorized duplication of copyrighted material, software, or licensing agreements.
  • Use which results in damage to library equipment, connections, or security, including, but not limited to, the consumption of food and beverages in proximity to library equipment.
  • Disruptive behavior.
  • Any attempt at unauthorized disclosure, dissemination, or use of personal information.

Minors under the age of 18

Minors under the age of 18 years old must have permission from a parents or legal guardian to use the Internet. All minors must have permission slips signed and on file to access the Internet. Parents are responsible for the supervision of their children.

  • Children under the age of 13 years old must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times they are using the Internet.
  • Youth aged 13-18 years old may use the Internet independently with parental permission (signed permission slip).
  • Parents or legal guardians must be present in the library to sign permission form.

Wireless Internet Connections

Wireless Internet access is available throughout the library building to anyone who has the necessary devices and software to access the Internet via a secured network (see staff for password). It is strongly recommended that users do not use such networks to transmit personal, financial, or legal information. Schmaling Memorial Public Library District provides no protection or guarantee of safety regarding personal information or equipment. Wireless network users are responsible for knowing how to configure their own equipment. Staff members are unable to assist with computer related issues.

Due to insurance limitations and warranties, Library staff is not allowed to configure users’ laptop or handheld computers or install any devices or software on personal computer devices. Library staff is unable to provide technical assistance for laptops, cards, or configurations. If you require assistance, please contact the equipment manufacturer.

Violation of Policy/Agreement

The violation of ANY terms of this policy/agreement may result in the suspension or revocation of Internet/Wireless/General privileges, according to the following schedule:

  • 1st Offense: Verbal Warning
    • *Minors (patrons under 18 years of age) will receive reminder that 2nd offense will result in parental notification.
  • 2nd Offense: Suspension of Internet privileges for 1 month
    • *Minors- Written parental notification of offense.
  • 3rd Offense: Suspension of Internet privileges. Patrons must petition the Schmaling Memorial Public Library Board of Trustees for reinstatement of privileges. A new Internet Usage Agreement must be signed at this time.
    • *Minors –Parental notification of loss of Internet privileges.

Adopted by Schmaling Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees 10/14/08. Revised 9/16/13.

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