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Fines and Overdue Materials Policy

“The purpose of the Schmaling Memorial Public Library District is to make materials available for use by the public. The Library must use whatever methods necessary to ensure materials are available to be used by the greatest number of people. While, for the most part, library customers return materials in a timely fashion, some people ignore circulation rules and hold materials overdue for extended periods of time.”
Schmaling Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees (12/08)

Fines for Overdue Materials: Fines are charged for library materials returned to Schmaling Memorial Public Library District after the due date. Fines are charged whether the library is open or not. The library will always be open on the due date itself. Library materials may be returned inside the library and books, magazines, audiobooks, and CDs may also be returned in the Book Return located at the West entrance of the building. Any library materials not returned or renewed by the end of the loan period are considered overdue and, as of two days after the due date, each overdue item will be subject to a $0.10 per item per day fine, to a maximum fine of $10.00 per item.

Courtesy Due Date Notice: 3 days before library materials are due, patrons may receive an automated text message or email courtesy notice. Patrons may choose the delivery option they prefer. Note: Patrons must elect to receive notification by text or email to receive these courtesy notices.

Overdue Notices:

  1. Friendly Reminder: When items become 7 days overdue, patrons will receive this notice. It can be delivered via email, phone, or text message, dependent on patron preference.
  2. First Overdue Notice: When items become 14 days or more overdue, patrons will be notified via phone call that the items are overdue.
  3. Second Overdue Notice: When items become 21 days or more overdue, patrons will be notified via phone call that the items are overdue.
  4. Final Overdue Notice: When items become 30 days or more overdue, patrons will be mailed this print notice.
  5. Bill Notice: When items become 44 or more days overdue, a bill for the outstanding materials will be mailed to the patron. The patron will have 30 days to return the materials or pay for their replacement, or the account may be turned over to a collection agency. If the outstanding materials have an aggregate value of $50.00 or more, the bill notice will be sent via certified mail and patrons may be charged with theft (720 ILCS 5/16-3(c)).

Adopted by Schmaling Memorial PLD 12/9/08, revised 9/19/16, effective 10/20/16

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