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Meeting Area Policy

Schmaling Memorial Public Library District has meeting areas with limited seating for public use. The primary purpose of the meeting area is in support of library functions, meetings and programs. The meeting areas may, on occasion, be available for use by members of the public. Organizations not affiliated with Schmaling Memorial Public Library District may use the meeting area only when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The organization conducting the meeting is not doing so for the immediate or ultimate gain of a for-profit business or agency.
  • The meeting takes place during regular library hours.
  • The meeting cannot be expected to disrupt the ability of the library to conduct its business in a normal and orderly manner.
  • The meeting is open to the public.
  • The reservation for the meeting area is made by a resident of the library’s jurisdictional area, pending Director’s approval.
  • The organization assumes all responsibility for set-up and clean-up.

Approved by Schmaling Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees 9/14/04.

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